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Writer's pictureMarkku Lang

Teacher, make an impact on your work environment!

Is a teacher interested in a safe, functional and innovative working and learning environment?


We know that, for example, a good sound system (acoustics + control of sound sources) lowers a teacher's heart rate by more than 10% during the school day. This has a great impact on teachers' health and stress levels. We also have extensively researched information that if students are allowed to study in innovative and creative environments, they learn significantly better and do better in exams. The study environment explains about 20% of the learning outcomes. This especially applies to otherwise less successful children. (Craft, Chappell, & Twining, 2008; Freund & Holling, 2008; Grainger et al., 2005; Kendall, Morrison, Sharp, & Yeshanew, 2008; Whitebread, Coltman, Jameson, & Lander, 2009; Schacter, Thum, & Zifkin, 2006).

Teachers' health is also positively affected by the fact that in a good learning environment, students' motivation, commitment, enthusiasm and concentration increase, making teachers' work whole. (Bancroft et al., 2008; Craft et al., 2008; Cremin et al., 2006; Wood & Ashfield,



SODANKYLÄ 18.-19.9.


-evaluation of the innovativeness and safety of the learning environment workshop

We have thought a lot about how we can get teachers interested in these clear benefits that a new school building project or renovation project can bring with it if successful. How can the new facilities affect our own ability to cope, the students' motivation and everyone's comfort.

Based on last weekend, we are even more convinced that studying and developing such things is hugely beneficial. The group that came to the workshop was very motivated and satisfied, because all the participants have a school building project going on or coming soon.

Despite the good atmosphere, interesting discussions and expert lectures, almost everyone told the same story: "I should have known this earlier!" So we were a bit late, even though the school buildings haven't even started to be built yet!

Anticipation and dealing with things in advance cannot actually start too early. We know from experience that the best pedagogical and functional plans have required several years of work, excursions and trainings.

I felt good again from this workshop. We trainers/facilitators were useful in the process and we were able to help in the development of each school's school culture and better school buildings.

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